Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Last night was remarkable. Another first happened. I saw an entire movie in my dream and remembered each and every detail of it when I woke up. Dreams of such nature have come to me earlier but in a broken manner with my memory failing me when I would wake up.

It belonged to the genre of horror with some abstract elements thrown in. Interestingly, I was both, a part of the movie as one of the characters and a viewer in the theater, simultaneously.

What’s really amazing is the complete nature of the experience. Everything is etched in my memory. The faces of the characters, their expressions, their attire, the background score, the sound of rain falling on the leaves, the lighting, the setting, the smell and color of the flowers, even the exchange of dialogues and shot angles.

I also remember walking out of the theater thinking that it was a good movie that I just saw.

So, I woke up at 7:00 am and immediately scribbled down everything on a sheet of paper (which was a bill of some sort) lying on the bed-side table. I intend to turn it into a proper narrative and then let’s see.

The world of dreams continues to be intriguing, enchanting and entertaining.


Namas said...

amzing, unbelievable...c that u r able to convert it into a real movie...reminded of prophets story of writing the quran,,guess he also saw it in a dream..correct me if i am wrong...

Unknown said...

I cant wait to read/ see it Meraj. When? Dont make me wait till I'm an old lady pls! :P

Sriram said...

Amazing.. btw was the movie's name Inception? :)

Bhaskar Khaund said...

:) now that's something ! ...very "Unconsoled" , bet Ishiguro was doing the same when writing it..

meraj said...

Namas, well, now you know the plot atleast. ive got all plans of putting it down properly...lets see.

about propeht's quran, its said that angel Gabriel used to render it to him orally...and it happened over the period of 23 yrs

Nisha, even am hoping that you end up waiting that much

Sriram, it wasnt was better, i felt :)

Bhaskar, i havent read 'the unconcoled'...any good?

Namas said...

love the title of ur post...DREAM THEATRE...

meraj said...

Namas, the name is borrowed from a rock band by the same name. no other name couldve been more appropriate for this post.