Wednesday, December 12, 2007

An announced break

I'm taking a 2 week break from this space on the account of a visit to my home-town. My apologies for doing so between a series, but I shall try to post the second edition of Delhi Winter during this period.

From the cold evening of New Delhi railway station, I will be boarding a night-train to reach the land of Buddha's Nirvana in the morning.


meraj said...

it began with an attempt to save the life of a chill-struck stray pup who had walked into out compound. a visit to the vet, 3 injections, and a night later, the poor thing died. but we tried...

otherwise, its been nice with a heady mix of the 'chill of the gangeic plains' and 'the soothing winter sun'. finished 'kafka...' and hit 'alchemy...'. dozing off between the pages on the terrace in winters is a wonderful way to read books. Pt. Joshi and Fayyaz Khan keeps playing in the backdrop. good food, lovingly made by my mother and regular yoga keeps me healthy.

will be watching 'fanny and alexander' tonight.


Smiling Dolphin said...

Alchemy is an important book, and a good one to read in nirvana land...sorry about the pup but glad you tried to do something about it.

meraj said...

am referring to T Tejpal's first attempt at fiction, 'Alchemy of Desire'. are you also referring to the same 'Alchemy...'?

Smiling Dolphin said...

oh no, I was referring to Paulo Coelho's Alchemist. So sorry. Tarun's book is a good one to read before marriage, not after:-)) He covers the subject well, but after a point it gets nauseous, which is so unlike him and his usual journalism

meraj said...

hmm...i havent reached that point yet, but it feels like am inching towards it with every page :). wotta a HUG you showed...awesome!

alien said...

Thanks a million for the kind words and wishes. Looking forward for good news from you as well.